Joyful Escapism 004 Glicee Print
Joyful Escapism 004 Glicee Print
Collective Effervescence is a term which describes the moments that JuliapDilla is aiming to share with her prints. Those 'moments' of joy that are part of the human experience which are up-lifting moments, despite experiencing common hardships, which keep the flame of the human spirit alive and kicking!
After art college JulipDilla has combined a career in fashion and visual arts and crafts. She has always been drawn to screen printing using mixed mediums from fabrics, clothing and T-shirt commissions to creating works on paper.
She uses her own drawings, photography and mixed sourced images backed with colour and pattern. Her mono-prints are a process of screen -printing combined with mono printing and painting to get to the desired end piece, often culminating in a 5/6 layer print.
She is based in a shared print studio, at Print Club London in Dalston and has shown her prints on paper in group and solo shows in the UK from Folkestone Art Gallery, The Thanet Open Studios, New Artist Fair, Truman Brewery, Inky Fingers Gallery in Hackney Wick and Scotland in the Findhorn Bay Arts Festival. She has also has made sales in Europe, USA and Australia.